Terms and Conditions for Alristyle (online learning)

1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions By enrolling in courses offered by Alristyle, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and all applicable laws and regulations.

2. Enrollment and Payment

a. Enrollment: Enrollment in courses is subject to availability, prerequisites, and the successful submission of required documentation.

b. Payment: Tuition fees and any associated charges must be paid in full before gaining access to course materials. Payments are non-refundable, except as expressly stated in the school’s refund policy.

3. Refund Policy

a. Alristyle has a refund policy in place. Students are encouraged to review and understand the policy before enrolling.

b. Refunds will be processed according to the terms outlined in the refund policy.

4. Course Access and Materials

a. Course Duration: Access to course materials will be provided for the duration of the enrolled course.

b. Intellectual Property: All course materials, including but not limited to videos, documents, and assessments, are the intellectual property of [School Name] and may not be reproduced, distributed, or shared without written permission.

5. Student Responsibilities

a. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism or cheating.

b. Technical Requirements: Students are responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary technology and internet access to participate in courses.

c. Communication: Students must provide accurate and up-to-date contact information and regularly check email and course notifications for important updates.

6. Code of Conduct

a. Respect: Students are expected to treat instructors and fellow students with respect and professionalism.

b. Harassment: Harassment or discrimination of any form will not be tolerated.

7. Termination or Suspension

a. Alristyle reserves the right to suspend or terminate a student’s access to courses for violations of these Terms and Conditions, the school’s policies, or any unlawful activities.

8. Privacy Policy

a. Alristyle collects and uses personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

9. Liability

a. Alristyle is not liable for any direct or indirect damages, including but not limited to loss of data, income, or opportunity, arising from the use of its courses.

10. Modification of Terms and Conditions

a. Alristyle reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Students will be notified of such changes.

11. Governing Law

a. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Jurisdiction.